Hat is located in Bharatkhali of Bharatkhali union of Saghata upazila.
After coming to the railway station of Gaibandha district, you have to come to Bonarpara railway station by train or bus and go 8-10 km northeast from Bonarpara railway station.
The traditional Bharatkhali Sri Sri Kali Temple is a place of interest. At that time a piece of wood floated in the water of Jamuna river in front of Bharatkhali Sri Srikali temple. The then landlord had to save this wood by dreaming. The wood has been in this temple since that time. Every year in the month of Baishakh, here and on Tuesdays, Hindu devotees send offerings and big fairs are held throughout the month of Baishakh. Every year in the month of Baishakh, Hindu devotees give mass readings here and on Tuesdays and big fairs are held throughout the month of Baishakh. A month-long fair is held in front of Bharatkhali Sri Sri Kali Mandir from 1st Baishakh.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS